This is urgent; please take action immediately.
Days ago, Jay Inslee’s legislation to ban ‘Assault Weapons’ here in Washington State passed the Senate Law and Justice Committee. In fact, it’s already been referred to Senate for a full floor vote!
This legislation, House Bill 1240, is the biggest attack on the Second Amendment that we’ve ever seen here in Olympia. The impact on our freedoms, should this pass, is hard to comprehend!
I need every gun owner in Washington State to help me stop this bill — so please sign your petition NOW.
Washington Gun Rights’ lobby team has been in Olympia doing everything we can to defeat this legislation, but nothing gets the attention of gun-grabbers in vulnerable seats like thousands of petitions coming from gun owners in their districts!
But Inslee and his allies in the Senate do not want to move this legislation on their own…
…they are desperately trying to find some backstabbing Republicans to cross over the aisle to give them ‘bi-partisan support.’
That’s why we need to crank up the heat as hot as possible, right now. Because if we do, we can still defeat this tyrannical legislation!
The gun-grabbers in the Senate have a much smaller majority than they do in the House…so here is where to need to make our stand.
Washingtonians have been dealing with gun control for a long time, but the threat that we are facing from House Bill 1240 is breathtaking in its size!
The goal of this legislation is simple: the Radical Left here in Washington State wants to disarm their political opposition just like tyrants throughout history have done!
WGR’s Alex Dorr (R) with Rep. Jim Walsh (L) moments after the committee hearing on HB-1240.
These people are pure Marxists who want absolute power; we experienced that first-hand in 2020. But these thugs can’t rule over an armed population. That’s why they MUST pass this bill.
If passed, this legislation would effectively disarm gun owners in Washington State by:
- Sending you to prison for five years for the crime of purchasing an ‘assault weapon!’
With over 20 million AR-15s in circulation in the United States, they are the most popular rifle in the country, and have become a symbol of our defiance against tyranny.
- Sending you to prison for giving your AR-15 or any other so called ‘Assault Weapon’ to your kids or grandkids! When you die, your AR-15 dies with you as the only safe thing for your heirs to do with it is to relinquish it to government — disarming the next generation automatically.
- Force gun manufacturers that operate here in Washington to close their doors, limit their business, or move out! Local companies like Aero Precision, Rainer Arms, and Olympic Arms would have to agree to limit their sales to the government or move out of state if this bill passes.
As you can see, this legislation wouldn’t do anything to stop a violent criminal who would simply ignore the law before carrying out their acts of violence — but it was never intended to stop crime.
Besides bolstering Gov. Inslee’s fantasy of winning a future Democratic Party primary, this bill is being pushed for one main reason: to give the State of Washington the tools they need to harass and prosecute otherwise law abiding gun owners!
How do we know that?
Just look at the penalty section of the bill.
Any violation of HB-1240 is punishable as a Class C felony and carries an automatic five-year sentence in the state penitentiary plus a massive fine!
There are violent criminals — convicted of actual crimes in a court of law — that receive less prison time than this!
Some gun owners have pointed out that this legislation only applies to future sales, naively drawing comfort from the fact that they’ll be allowed to possess the AR-15s they already own.
But that is short sighted in the extreme.
As gun owners we are required to be looking forward, to protect the gun rights of the next generation, just like our forefathers did for us.
And HB-1240 makes it clear that ALL FUTURE SALES of AR-15s and hundreds of similar firearms are prohibited, meaning the only way the next generation can possess one of these firearms is by inheriting one from a deceased gun owner.
Of course, this is only until the Left files new legislation in the wake of the next mass shooting, to order the confiscation of all AR-15s currently in circulation.
That’s why Washington Gun Rights is doing everything we can to flood the legislature with calls, emails, and petitions opposing this tyrannical legislation before it’s too late.
And that’s why we need you to sign your petition IMMEDIATELY!
We’re all in, and I hope you are too. Because if we lose our right to keep and bear arms, we’ll never get them back!
WGR’s mobilization consists of a combination of:
- A digital and internet ad blitz; which sounds the alarm about the ‘assault weapons’ legislation being pushed in the Capitol, and allows gun owners to share these ads on their own social media platforms, ensuring massive exposure.
- A massive email and direct mail program; nothing penetrates Big Tech’s censorship more thoroughly these days than direct mail and email communication. In fact, these days, mail and email programs are more important than ever for gun owners!
- A statewide radio and TV ad campaign; if we can afford it, we are gearing up to expose these bills on some of the biggest networks in the state once votes are scheduled!
Every single part of this program is designed to do one thing: remind vulnerable politicians in Olympia that if they vote for HB-1240, they are going to pay the political price!
Your petition is an important part of blocking this bill, but WGR also needs your financial support to run the programs that I outlined above.
Unlike the Bloomberg funded organizations in Olympia, Washington Gun Rights isn’t funded by a billionaire donor.
We’re funded by individual gun owners like you, who know that if we lose our gun rights, we’ll never get them back!
The program we are running needs to be massive. That’s why, after you sign your petition, I hope you’ll also make a generous donation of $50 or even $100 so we can implement our plan.
I know that’s a lot, and that it’s more than you’ve given Washington Gun Rights before. But this fight will decide the future of our state and our personal freedoms.
If Washington State falls, the enemies to freedom will simply move on to the next state. That’s why Washington Gun Rights will fight as long and hard as we can to protect our Second Amendment freedoms here at home!
Our forefathers codified our right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution. Our grandfathers defended these rights against evil empires across the globe. And our fathers defended these rights against politicians here at home.
Now it’s our turn.
Please sign your petition and make a donation TODAY!
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Washington Gun Rights
P.S. Gov. Inslee’s ‘assault weapons’ ban has passed the House and has been referred to a Senate Committee for a hearing!
If this passes, gun owners would be facing five years in prison for buying an AR-15 or similar firearm! Worse, the next generation of gun owners would be disarmed!
Please take a moment to sign your petition opposing this tyrannical legislation!
Please act now. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to hold the line for them as our forefathers did for us!