Whereas: Bob Ferguson’s goal of thwarting President Trump’s agenda and relentlessly attacking our gun rights would leave law-abiding Washingtonians vulnerable to criminals and tyrants; and
Whereas: Ferguson’s bill to repeal Washington State’s pre-emption law would allow every city in the state to pass their own gun control laws, exposing gun owners to bogus criminal charges; and
Whereas: Ferguson’s bill to create a new permit to purchase firearms in Washington State won’t stop criminals but will allow Ferguson to increase the criteria to be approved for one of these permits later, making it very likely that gun owners will not be approved; and
Whereas: Ferguson’s bill to limit ammo sales to 1,000 rounds of ammo per month will be quickly be lowered so that we can’t possess any meaningful amount of ammunition.
Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on each one of these bills, or pay the price at election time! Washington Gun Rights will keep me informed on your votes.