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Help Us Defeat Ferguson’s Ammo Registration!

With violent crime out of control thanks to his policies, Bob Ferguson’s new bill (H.B. 1132) would punish law abiding gun owners, by forcing us to go through a State Police background check every time we buy ammo!

This won’t stop a single criminal.

But it will accomplish Ferguson’s primary goal of registering all ammo transactions, meaning he’ll know exactly how much ammo you and I possess.

And that’s IF the system even works. In other blue states that have this law in place, gun owners usually can’t make a purchase because the state’s database is mysteriously ‘down.’

We stopped this bill last year, but we need to do it again! Help us do that by signing your OFFICIAL PETITION against this bill (H.B. 1132) today, so your State Senator and State Representative know exactly where you stand!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Washington Gun Rights so that we can keep fighting for you in Olympia and in D.C.! Get involved at!