Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Jay Inslee’s next goal is to gut Washington’s pre-emption law! Our current laws ensure that every Washingtonian lives under the same gun laws regardless of where they are in the state. If HB-1178/SB-5446 passes, every city in the state would have the power to pass...
Don’t Let Pass Red Flags in Washington, DC!

Don’t Let Pass Red Flags in Washington, DC!

Senator Susan Collins is working with Joe Biden and Democrat Senators to pass “Red Flag Gun Seizures” across America on our great military men and women, and in the wake of several recent shootings, the pressure is rising in the Senate to get this done! Red Flag Gun...
Help Us Defeat Mental Health Gun Control!

Help Us Defeat Mental Health Gun Control!

Taking a page out of the playbook of every dictator over the last 100 years, Inslee and his allies in Olympia want to force gun owners to submit to a mental health exam with a state agent as a condition of applying for a pistol permit! We all know how this would work....
Help Us Defeat Mental Health Gun Control!

Defeat Inslee’s Social Media Test for Gun Owners!

Governor Inslee and Attorney General Ferguson are deranged tyrants! Right now, they are considering legislation that would allow state agents to review your social media posts when you apply for a carry permit! And if these government agents find ‘hateful speech’ or...
Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!


To: The Members of the Washington State Senate Whereas: The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees my God-given right to keep and bear arms as the ultimate check on government tyranny; and Whereas: H.B. 1240 would make me a CONVICTED FELON...